Business Description:
As the Carpet & Rug Peopleā„¢, we have been trusted to provide the highest quality carpet-rug cleaning and restoration service since 1952.
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carpet & upholstery cleaning
Ayoub Carpet Service
3856 Dulles S Ct, Chantilly, VA 20151, USA
(703) 255-6000

Total Experience


Will Recommend

Lee A.

Potomac, MD

Ayoub Carpet Service

Overall service was excellent

The service was excellent and the pickup and delivery was smooth and uneventful
Jamie & Jeremy were so very nice


Lee, thank you for your feedback. We're happy to know that you've had a great experience with Jamie and Jeremy and look forward to seeing you again.
The Team at Ayoub Carpet Service

Ayoub Carpet Service commented on 08/23/2023