Business Description:
A local dentistry branch located in Rochester, MN.
dentists & dental services
Apollo Dental Center
3000 43rd Street Northwest, Rochester, MN 55901, USA
(507) 287-8320


Will Recommend

Price for Value

vladimir l.

Rochester , MN

Apollo Dental Center

Emergency dental care

I was using their services for five years and everything was fair until my tooth pain became severe and I needed emergency care. But first I was seen a month ago for a pain in that tooth and my regular dentist told me to just use sensitive tooth paste. I cannot believe that X-ray did not show anything. Then, a month later, pain was so severe that I called in the morning and they got me in the same day. It was not my dentist but a younger junior dentist telling me that opening the tooth to relieve that pressure will not see any improvement for 2-3 days. So I choose not to open the tooth and instead had antibiotics only. Next day, it was Thanksgiving day, my pain was so severe that I called another dentist to open up the tooth. At Apollo they made it sound very complicated to open the office on Saturday after Thanksgiving. As soon as the new dentist opened the tooth, the pain went away. So the junior dentist was wrong or she just felt she was not up to task. Anyway, I ended up doing a root canal few day later. To conclude: Apollo dental USA big franchise and many different skills dentist can be assigned to you. It is better to find a medium size dental clinic where they know you well and where you know them.