The level of unprofessional demeanor, condescending tone, and continual interruption defined our interaction with Kyle Lovett as the THE worst in this line of business. He was offensive and kept interrupting our realtor as she tried to explain her point of view. Our realtor had called Mr Kyle Lovett and informed him that we would need estimates based on our general inspection report. She made it clear we would not be needing all repairs and would focus on a couple repairs. She paid $100 for an estimate and when we reached out to get our windows repaired, he said we were "cherry picking" and that the estimate was based on having most of the work done (totaling ~$16K). His estimates were way overpriced, in our opinion (example: $100 to replace a fridge bulb). I was involved in a 3 way call with him, and after listening to him repeatedly cut off our realtor, I told him the subject line to his email said "Any and All repairs." I raised my voice just so I could speak over him as he quickly interrupted me and began yelling. At that point, I hung up. Perhaps he would have behaved differently if a man would have been on the phone with him, but his demeanor was offensive and deploringly unprofessional. Ladies, beware. He kept asking me technical questions about the report and responded as if I were a moron for not being able to answer him. Look elsewhere!