Business Description:
auto repair & service
Ray's OK Services Inc
4100 W Loomis Rd, Greenfield, WI 53221, USA
(414) 282-3160


Will Recommend

Total Experience


Milwaukee, WI

Ray's OK Services Inc

I wish I had met them 20 years ago. I would be disappointed if they stop doing what they do.

Ray's OK Services Inc don't overcharge you and fix what needs to be fixed. I don't have to be there all they time. They also tell me when I don't need something to be fixed when dealers say I need to. I've used them several times, but last time I got a car repaired. They took it for a test-drive and suggested a fuel injector that might had been clogging and to get fuel for it. They gave me options to fix it that were not expensive. Also, they are good with domestic cars as wells as foreign cars like BMW, Lexus, Volkswagen and other types of cars. I have recommended them to other people and they are also very happy with what they charge. They are honest and get back to you. They stand behind their work.