Business Description:
High Plains Vet is a locally-owned veterinarian and animal hospital. Our veterinary clinic is staffed with five caring and professional veterinarians.
Pet Services
High Plains Veterinary Hospital
4007 Tutt Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80922, USA
(719) 574-8920


Will Recommend

Total Experience

Kristen K.

Colorado Springs, CO

High Plains Veterinary Hospital


I have reviewed them on Google but since then we have moved all the way to Divide, CO and they are still our primary vet! We will drive almost 2 hours so Dr. Pierce or even the techs can see my animals. We have four dogs and care that really stands out is:
-years of care for my yellow lab, through thyroid issues that change almost monthly and horrible knee replacement surgeries, from puppyhood to now at 8 years old healthier than he's ever been!
- emergency care when the dogs have accidents that doesn't immediately jump to the most expensive and dramatic diagnosis: usually we get a sound exam, and directions to go home and rest with maybe some pain meds unless the situation really requires otherwise. I've never had a vet who is obviously concerned with the best medical care for the animal and the most sensible treatment plan for the owner. So many vets take advantage of your worry and fear to sell you meds, treatment, and scare tactics you and your animals don't need.
- They know my dogs by name, remember them, and their issues.
- When my lab had strange weight loss, Dr. McKenna (sp) worked with me on the phone for days to help figure out what was going on, so I didn't have to drive in too often. She spent a ton of her time researching and redoing lab results at no charge. She also really listened to me, and what I thought it was, without discounting my ideas. Another great thing -- these guys know that you probably know an awful lot about your own dog, and they use your insights rather than acting like they know everything and just shining you on, like so many other vets.
- They have given me bad news professionally, promptly, and with a ton of options already prepared to make my decisions easier.
- I can call and ask questions, specific questions, and they answer them. I never get the "better just come in for a visit runaround".
- My dogs ear infections were misdiagnosed by THREE other vets who gave them cursory exams. Dr. Pierce took a sample of earwax, and in 3 min had an accurate diagnosis, prescribed meds, and we haven't had an ear infection in over 2 years.
- Sometimes we have to go to another vet because it's an emergency, and I have noticed my dogs are scared, anxious, etc. When we pull up in front of High Plains, it's like we're going to the dog park or something! My dogs get super excited because the staff is so nice to them, they really love on them, brush them, talk to them like the little people they think they are, and when they have to stay there for some reason, my dogs don't even think twice. They're like "see ya, Mom, playing with these guys now!" Even my heeler who hates everyone and bites will let Dr. Pierce stick a needle in her and poke and prod without getting tense. That's probably the best testimonial to what a great vet they are.
- They also understand the limits of people, and address things like the practicality of working full time and say, keeping an injured animal quiet and still. Or simply not being able to afford the best option -- they will really work with you, your animal and your needs to figure out a plan. Not like they give you a discount - I mean they take the info you give them and tell you what you can do, in your current situation, to be the best pet owner you can. I love that. When I first started seeing them as a super broke college student with a sick dog, they really helped me figure out how to treat him to the limits of my abilities, from exercise plans to the best cheap dog food I should buy to being honest about what we could expect without the top tier of care. (That dog, London, is still alive and better than ever 8 years later :)
Anyway, in my opinion, unless High Plains tells you to go somewhere else, you are not getting the best care! They are worth every single penny.