Business Description:
We are a Professional Property Management and we also Sell Homes company. Serving all of Chula Vista and San Diego all the way to North County.
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real estate
property management
Noble Real Estate Services
1371 Presioca St, Spring Valley, CA 91977, USA
(619) 575-6200 x 203


Total Experience

Will Recommend

Lili Y.

San Diego, CA

Noble Real Estate Services

Overall, everything is good! Simon, the agent, is knowledgable!

I've been renting a home from Noble Real Estate Services for about two years. Simon, the agent, is knowledgeable and a good agent. But I'm confused about why my water bill is being deducted from my rent. I'll have to ask someone about that. I don't know what their policy is. That's the only reason I give Noble Real Estate Services four stars instead of five.