Business Description:
Waco and Hewitt, Texas dentists giving you the highest quality, most comfortable dental care in a state-of-the-art environment.
dentists & dental services
Central Texas Dental Care
506 N Hewitt Dr, Hewitt, TX 76643, USA
(254) 666-1686


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scott f.

Hewitt, TX

Central Texas Dental Care

Saty far away

I just moved to Waco and started a new job. In the middle of the night I developed a severe toothache. I called and made a 2pm appointment that day. I was in so much pain I couldn’t think. At a new job. They let me leave at 12 noon and I go see Dr. Cooney. I explain my situation ask ask if he can temporally kill the pain and I can get back to work and Ill reschedule my dental work. His response was go to the drug store and get some Tylenol, after he said I need emergency root canal, does that sound like Tylenol would fix the pain. Oh and the root canal would cost $3000.00 or he would pull it for $300, either way he used the pain in an attempt to extort me. Root canals cost $1500 max. Not $3000 .Reminds me of an attorney. The pain was so bad I said give me the root canal, he said it would be a 2 part process, that day he would clean it out and put a temporary on it and I would have to reschedule, $350, isn’t that what I asked for to begin with , reschedule? He was going to make sure he got a minimum of $300 out of me that day. I’m betting the $350 was in addition to the 3k he wanted for the root canal. So he shot my gums with nova cane and the pain immediately stopped, the nurse said it would last 12 hours. I sat in the chair for an hour waiting on him to return, all the while worried about new job. I gave up waiting on him to return, paid $111 for consolation and shot, rescheduled and left. By 6 pm the shots had worn off, so much for the 12 hrs. I called the after-hours number and Dr. Cooney refused to even call in Tylenol 3 for me. He actually made it worse the three needles he rammed in my gum caused the entire side of my jaw to swell up where I could barely speak for 2 days and the pain was worse and I had to go the emergency room, he will be getting the bill for.