Business Description:
auto body repair & painting
EMC Collision
41041 Albrae Street, Fremont, CA 94538, USA
(510) 651-8800


Will Recommend

Total Experience


Fremont, CA

EMC Collision butter?

I am probably one of EMC Collision's top 5 customers in terms of the sheer volume of repairs. Back in 2003 I had some damage on the Infiniti car I had just purchases. It wasn't much but I wanted to get it repaired. I was so busy that I could not shop around, and I fell into their good hands. They were in the area I lived, and they looked like the cleanest, largest, and most professional shop. I was very pleased with the color matching.

A a couple of years later I sold that car and got a Nissan Z convertible. I got in a minor fender bender, and EMC went above and beyond for me. What sets them apart is their perfectionism and attention to detail. I didn't feel compulsive if I asked for some over spray in an area that people can't usually see. In any other place they would have given me a hard time, but at EMC they were actually apologetic that they hadn't done it yet. They really see things my way.

They really fix things the right way, so after those two experiences I was sold. There was a time period of 5 years when I had no issues, and then I got my BMW. I have had a series of issues with it, and from the smallest to the largest they took care of it.

Every time, no matter how small, they give a full detail to the car. The finish is so smooth, slippery and perfect that the only way to describe it is like butter. They are really good to me and are extremely pleasant and professional. They are topnotch.