Business Description:
Our 40+ years of experience makes the ownership of residential and commercial income property as stress free as possible.
property management
Creative Property Management
1220 Del Monte Ave, Monterey, CA 93940, USA
(831) 649-3631


Total Experience

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Monterey, CA

Creative Property Management

Their Service Is Really Good

Creative Property Management is so professional. I like it a lot and I'm very satisfied. They are very quick to respond and will immediately respond to what I ask and report. I do not blame them for the high price, that's just what it costs to live around here. I'm a comparatively new tenant and got locked out of my house recently. I was really lost about what to do until I saw one young lady come out from the office, which is near my apartment. She had just been interviewing in the office, but she helped me get in touch with a gentleman in the office who had keys to open my apartment. I've lived there about 2 month and I have no complaints. My apartment is not very fancy or in a good location, but it was my choice and everything is good. Their service is really good.