Business Description:
The Painting Craftsmen is a full service residential painting contractor offering free, no-obligation, in-home estimates to all homeowners in the Jacksonville area.
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painting, staining & exteriors
The Painting Craftsmen
2180 Emerson St #103, Jacksonville, FL 32207, USA
(904) 507-5700


Total Experience

Will Recommend

Charlotte H.

Fleming Island, FL

The Painting Craftsmen

The transformation makes the whole kitchen look new. It is a terrific investment and we are glad we did it!

We had our existing cabinets painted and were very pleased with the outcome. They look like they came from the factory, so I couldn't ask for better workmanship!
It was completed in a week. I don't have any complaints.
We had very dark mahogany cabinets and went to an off-white. Looking at the cabinets, you can't tell what the transformation was.