Business Description:
ReBath of Houston offers shower remodeling and bathroom remodeling services in Houston.
bathroom remodeler
Rebath of Houston
9400 Cypress Creek Parkway, Houston, TX 77070, USA
(281) 894-4600


Total Experience

Will Recommend

Marc E.

The Woodlands, TX

Rebath of Houston

Rebath of Houston started our work on January 12, 2017. This was to be a five day job. Took the installers 12 business days to complete (this was without the shower door). Since that time, it’s now June 22, 2017, Rebath of Houston has sent out workers to fix everything, expect for the counter top, which after receiving both a voice message and an email confirming that the replacement counter top was ordered, has now been rescinded. Rebath of Houston of has a documented track record of repairing many of the updates that I had paid for. The counter top is just another in a list of work to be redone.

I should have reviewed each and every item with a microscope prior to making the second payment but I am not a contractor and did not see everything at first.

Rebath of Houston has since return to completely remove the first installed floor that had been installed over our existing tile. The reason being that the new floor was uneven in various places. Rebath of Houston sent another man to completely remove their new floor and the underlying tile down to the bare wood. He then leveled the whole area. This took him 7 full working days. Great job.

The original installation cut back one wall and extend another for the walk in shower enclosure. The original installer did not install the light switch box flush with the wall, nor did Rebath of Houston texture the walls that they worked on or do a good texture job on the ceiling where they removed part of an existing wall.

Rebath of Houston sent two other men who did excellent texturing where required and re-installed the light switch box flush with the wall. These men also evened out the caulk bead between the backsplash and wall (Rebath of Houston installed a new counter top). It was uneven, or over built up, and even had few areas without caulk.

I had Rebath of Houston install two new sink faucets. On both sides the hot water handles were loose. The reason why they were left loose, when tightened both would bind.

Rebath of Houston sent out another man to replace the faucets and remove caulking from the counter top that should not have been there. Where the caulking had been removed, the counter top now has visible marks around the faucet bases. There is also a deep scratch behind the hot Water handle base. This is circular and follows the contours of the base.

Rebath of Houston installed a new shower fixture.

Rebath of Houston sent out another man, plumber, to fix the hot water. After the original installation the water came out warm but never hot.

Rebath of Houston installed a walkin shower. They have since removed the back (long side) wall do a gouge in the wall below the shower caddy. Also, the shower caddy had caulking on the face where none should have been.

As I mentioned, all follow up work had been completed by professional workers. All of the aforementioned items should have never been there to begin with.

So, for anyone seeking to have work done though Rebath of Houston of Houston, check the work and recheck before ever signing over another payment.