Business Description:
A/C maintenance. We replace old inefficient equipment and can fix hot & cold spots in your house. Give us a call today
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plumbing, electrical, heating & air conditioning
Western Heating & Air Conditioning
235 S Mountain Lands Dr, Orem, UT 84058, USA
(801) 224-8899


Total Experience

Will Recommend

Tracy A.

Orem, UT

Western Heating & Air Conditioning

Charge Too Much!!!

I told the tech I wanted a "Furnace 3" Limit Switch" he said let me check it over. He did and came to the same conclusion. He then said it will cost $217. I thought that was a bit excessive given I can get it on Amazon for around $20. I would have been okay if there was a modest charge for labor but not $197 for 10 minutes of work.

In the course of diagnostics he drilled several holes. The holes were not taped over. The Furnace cover was not put back.

Amazon Link:

He tried to up sell me a furnace.

The one thing he would not do is sell me the "Furnace 3" Limit Switch" he gave some lame excuse about liability but that does not fly since the limit of liability is where the part worked or not.

If this tech is representative of the techs for the company then I am very glad I did not ask him to do anything.

It is people is people and service like this that make me want to swear.