Business Description:
Active PT is a specialized physical therapy clinic helping those suffering from all types of injury and personal pain.
physical therapy & rehab
Active PT
3265 19th Street Northwest, Rochester, MN 55901, USA
(507) 322-3460


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Price for Value

Jeannie T.

Byron, MN

Active PT

Life changing treatment

I twisted my back and my muscles were in a constant state of spasm and severe pain for 2 months. Pain medication didn't help. I could not walk more than 30 feet. I could not walk up right. I could not ride in a car. I could not roll over in bed or get out of a chair without severe pain and assistance. ActivePT was recommended to me. With the Therapies provided to me by Active PT, I can now function pain and spasm free. Brady provided cupping, dry needling, deep massage and couched me through an exercise program. I can now walk, drive and pick up my grandson. Thanks to the wonderful care from Active PT.