Business Description:
auto repair & service
Piner Auto and Smog
990 Piner Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95403, USA
(707) 544-7341


Will Recommend

Total Experience

Richard G.

Santa Rosa, CA

Piner Auto and Smog

Those guys are great.

I have known them for 18 years. I live right in the area, and I was recommended to their business by a friend who knew about their business. They do mechanical work and smogs, and he is probably the main guy right now in Santa Rosa for diagnostics, finding the things wrong with your vehicle.

They're also great at doing smogs. They're quick, honest, and they do all my business. Also, I have a towing service, so if anyone asks for a place to do auto work, I give them to Piner.

Richard Gomez
Rich's Towing