Great Job
We inherited a large (9'x12') wool area rug in 2013. The rug had been in a house for roughly 40 years and subjected to many exposures including dinner parties, farm life and dogs, to name a few. Although occasionally spot cleaned, the rug was is pretty rough shape. Due to the quality and our desire to use the rug in our home we searched for the best business to do the cleaning,
We were very impressed with the experience at The Area Rug Cleaning Company. The rug was picked up at our home and, upon request, we were called with an evaluation as to the results we should expect from their service. We were advised that, due to it's condition, the rug would be clean but not all stains would be removed. We were very pleasantly surprised when the rug was delivered back to our home within the time promised.
Bottom line - the rug came out much better than we anticipated and it now adorns our home in a highly visible area. We receive many compliments.
I would definitely recommend The Area Rug Cleaning Company!