Business Description:
auto repair & service
Adolf Hoepfl Garage
4610 North Shepherd Drive, Houston, TX 77018, USA
(713) 695-5071

Total Experience

Will Recommend


Sam C.

Houston, TX

Adolf Hoepfl Garage

The most positive automotive experiences

Adolf Hoepfl Garage was recommended to me by our neighborhood Facebook group. During our first experience there, we brought in our car which we thought might need a new transmission replacement. After they checked it, it was a fixable issue and it costed a lot less than we expected. We have had numerous car work done there since then because we are very happy with their successful work. Virginia, the staff coordinator, is a tremendous asset for the business. Whenever we ask them questions, she comes up with the right answer at the top of her head. It
nothing but good experience with them
Virginia is a tremendous asset (coordinator)
answers questions at the tiop of her head very impressive