Business Description:
auto repair & service
Adolf Hoepfl Garage
4610 North Shepherd Drive, Houston, TX 77018, USA
(713) 695-5071

Total Experience

Will Recommend



Houston, TX

Adolf Hoepfl Garage

I feel that the garage is a place where you can feel comfortable.

Adolf Hoepfl Garage was recommended to me by Sears because Sears was not able to do the bodywork I needed done so I brought my car down there. I've been bringing my car and truck there ever since for the past two years. I have been very pleased with their service.

They are very kind and professional and the workers really explain what needs to be done. They give you a chance to figure out what you want to do. They follow up on the phone and one time I had the AC in my car worked on and I listened to them answer incoming calls. They were very professional and nice with everyone. They are people you can trust.