Business Description:
(844) 613-7663 *Residential, Historic & Custom *Nationally Recognized Workmanship *Integrity & Experience *Reasonable Rates *Re-roofing Estimates Available
roofing contractors
Siding Contractors
window installation service
Best Roofing of Virginia
320 33rd St #1451, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, USA
(757) 580-7625


Price for Value

Will Recommend

Tsvi K.

Newport News, VA

Best Roofing of Virginia

Excellent professional roofing job

We had our roofing work done on July 23-24, 2013. The materials were delivered the day before, and the roofers arrived about 7:30 a.m. the first day to start the work; they worked for 12 hours and finished the job the following day (that day they arrived about 9 a.m.). They took off the old shingles (in some areas two layers), repaired or replaced roof deck sheathing where necessary, replaced the skylights, reflashed where necessary, built a cricket in back of the chimney where there hadn't been one before, installed a roof ridge vent, painted the vent pipes to match the shingle color, and then cleaned up very well after each day's work. They did do magnetic cleaning, which picked up most of the nails, but we did do our own and found a quantity of nails on the least-used side of the house. But other than that we are very pleased with the work and in the week since they finished we've had several rain storms, and there have been no problems.