Business Description:
auto repair & service
Tires Direct and Auto Repair
7964 South Priest Drive, Tempe, AZ 85284, USA
(480) 889-9933


Will Recommend

Total Experience


Tempe, AZ

Tires Direct and Auto Repair

Friendly, personable, and trustworthy.

I have gone to Tires Direct and Auto Repair since they opened, so for about a year and a half. They always take really good care of my car, even though it is not really a fancy car. They let me know, in detail, what they are going to do and how much it is going to cost. They are really good with their estimates.

They even had to fix a couple things my old mechanic messed up without my knowledge; so they were really good about that. The quality of work is really good. They always let me know what is going on, and if they can't do something, they know good people who can. I needed something for my car to pass the emissions test, and they didn't specialize in it. They sent me to the right people.

They are really friendly and personable. They give their customers details about what is going on, and they are definitely trustworthy. That is hard to find when looking for a new mechanic.