Business Description:
Haley Mechanical is a full-service, award-winning Heating & Cooling, Plumbing and Electrical shop.
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plumbing, electrical, heating & air conditioning
Haley Mechanical
8415 Dexter-Chelsea Rd, Dexter, MI 48130, USA
(734) 274-9854


Total Experience

Will Recommend

Jacqueline M.

Canton, MI

Haley Mechanical

Fantastic, clean, perfect AC install

Connor M. , Dylan D., Zach G. did a great AC install for me. They were polite and respectful .
Connor did a great job leading the team. He explained the whole process to me. He was very helpful in instructing me in operating the new thermostat. The cleanup was great. The new unit is working perfectly. All the musty snells are gone from my basement. Thanks for coming to Canton.
Jacqueline McIntyre