Business Description:
auto repair & service
Cali Streets Tires
10835 Hole Ave, Riverside, CA 92505, USA
(951) 509-4772


Total Experience

Will Recommend


Riverside, CA

Cali Streets Tires

Quality of work is very high. Good price for value.

I really liked Cali Streets Tires because everything that they promise that they will do, they have always done. One time I had a flat tire and I had to go back so they could help me fix it and they took care of all the problems that I had then and every time after that when something has come up with it.

I think their price is really good too because I think the quality of their work is very high. Good price for value. What I like the most is that they have done what they say they are going to do every time. If they say something is going to take a certain amount of time or when they say they are going to take the car and be done, they always stick to what they say.