Business Description:
auto repair & service
Peterson Auto & Truck
7121 9th Avenue North, Saint Petersburg, FL 33710, USA
(727) 343-4242


Total Experience

Will Recommend


Saint Petersburg, FL

Peterson Auto & Truck

Professional, great prices, excellent work, and will definitely recommend them.

They really helped me in a difficult situation. I very much appreciate how they handled everything. Don't change a thing guys, there aren't many repair shops out there like this. I'm glad that I found them. Quick example, they don't tear apart your car and then say you need a whole bunch of whatever, then say you have to tow your car out or pay triple what you thought you were going to pay. I had this happen to me a while ago at a famous brake shop. Peterson's doesn't do this. They give an honest opinion of what's going on and relay it to the customer. I will bring my car back to them when other things go wrong. Again, thanks guys for helping me out in a financial crunch, and also doing great work...