Business Description:
A professional team of realtors ready to assist all of your real estate needs.
real estate


Will Recommend

Price for Value

Lynnet A.

Baltimore, MD

Advance Realty Direct

Met my needs. Did not require a lot of effort from me.

I have already recommended Advance Realty Direct. They helped me buy a home that was both in my price-range and in the area where I wanted to live.

Initially, I sent out information about what I was looking for to some different people. I had a price-range that I needed to stick to.

Advance Realty Direct found several homes that met my budget and location needs. Their service was very prompt.

I worked with Phil, who does not fool around. He does not waste your time.

If you do not have an idea of what you are looking for, set up a meeting with them to figure it out. I did this and it was very helpful.