Business Description:
Quality & Customer Satisfaction are Our Top Priorities. John Baethke & Son Plumbing provides fast, reliable, and guaranteed service for all of your plumbing needs.
plumbers & sewer repair
John Baethke & Son Plumbing
3511 N Cicero Ave, Chicago, IL 60641, USA
(773) 276-5430


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Chicago, IL

John Baethke & Son Plumbing

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The plumber showed me a standard pricing list from a manual and replacing a faucet showed a 'standard' price of $352. It took him no more than 5 minutes to replace the cartridge. I realize that complications could have come up and that it could have been a lot more invoved, but because that didn't happen, I thought the price was very high.


It can certainly seem that our work is effortless and simple due to the fact that we have very highly skilled and professional service people licensed in the plumbing trade. We arrived first to find a leak that was not at first visible. Once the leak was identified and located we gave all options and Joe did decide to have the faucet repaired. The actual time on the job was just under 2 hours and was over 2 hours with travel time so it may have seemed like 5 minutes, but in all it was much more. We did follow up with Joe as we do on all service calls and we appreciate all feedback both positive and negative as both help us to constantly improve our service.

John Baethke & Son Plumbing commented on 04/27/2010